Account Details JavaScript Code Documentation

Global Variables

var id = 1;                  // Represents the ID of order items
var options_id = 0;           // Used for something related to options
var item_map = new Map();     // Map to store order items
var total = 0;                // Represents the total price of the order

Function: createOrderItem

Creates an order item based on a template and manages related functionalities.


function createOrderItem(item) {
    // ... Function code ...

Function: changeCategory

Filters and shows/hides items based on the selected category.


function changeCategory(category) {
    // ... Function code ...

Web Application Initialization

Represents a web application with functionality related to user preferences and store information.

// ... New code ...

Initialize Map for Store Locations

Create a Map to store locations and their corresponding Google Maps URLs.

// ... New code ...

Initialize Web Page with Correct Store

Initializes the web page with the correct store in an interactive map.

// ... New code ...

Add Items to Shopping Cart

Adds items to the shopping cart based on the provided order_id.


function cart_add_items(order_id) {
    // ... Function code ...

Update Displayed Date

Updates the displayed date when the user selects a date in the birthday picker.

// ... New code ...

Change Store

Changes the displayed store information and updates user preferences based on the selected store.


function changeStore(store) {
    // ... Function code ...