Kitchen JavaScript Code Documentation

Function: timed_refresh

Refreshes the page at regular intervals and updates order colors. Initial call to update order colors is made before setting the timeout for page reload.

 * Refreshes the page at regular intervals and updates order colors.
 * Initial call to update order colors is made before setting the timeout for page reload.
function timed_refresh() {
    // ... Function code ...

Function: deliver_order

Delivers an order by sending a request to the server and removing the order element from the screen.


 * Delivers an order by sending a request to the server and removing the order element from the screen.
 * @param {HTMLElement} element - The HTML element representing the order to be delivered.
function deliver_order(element) {
    // ... Function code ...

Function: updateOrderColors

Updates the background color of order items based on the time elapsed since order placement. Color thresholds and corresponding time classes are defined.

 * Updates the background color of order items based on the time elapsed since order placement.
 * Color thresholds and corresponding time classes are defined.
function updateOrderColors() {
    // ... Function code ...

Function: parseFormattedDate

Parses a formatted date string and returns a JavaScript Date object.


 * Parses a formatted date string and returns a JavaScript Date object.
 * @param {string} dateString - The formatted date string to parse.
 * @returns {Date} - The parsed Date object.
function parseFormattedDate(dateString) {
    // ... Function code ...

Script: Attach timed_refresh to window.onload

Attach the function to the window.onload event.
