1. Home Page

Home page redirects to the about view.

    path('', views.about, name="About"),

2. Cashier View

URL for the Cashier view.

    path('cashier/', views.cashier, name="cashier"),

3. Staff Home View

URL for the Staff Home view.

    path('staff/', views.staff_home, name="Staff Home"),

4. Customer Home View

URL for the Customer Home view.

    path('customer/', views.customer_landing, name="Customer Home"),

5. Place Order View

URL for the Place Order view.

    path('place_order/', views.place_order, name="Place Order"),

6. Save Order View

URL for the Save Order view.

    path('save_order/', views.save_order, name="Save Order"),

7. Manager Home View

URL for the Manager Home view.

    path('manager/', views.manager_home, name='Manager Home'),

8. Menu Location View

URL for the Menu Location view.

    path('menu_location/', views.menu_loc, name="Menu Location"),

9. Account Details View

URL for the Account Details view.

    path('account_details/', views.account_details, name="Account Details"),

10. Update Info View

URL for the Update Info view.

    path('update_info/', views.update_info, name="Update Info"),

11. Sales Analysis View

URL for the Sales Analysis view.

    path('sales_analysis/', views.sales_analysis, name="Sales Analysis"),

12. Get Sales Graph View

URL for the Get Sales Graph view.

    path('get_sales_graph/', views.get_sales_graph, name='get_sales_graph'),

13. Get Stock Graph View

URL for the Get Stock Graph view.

    path('get_stock_graph/', views.get_stock_graph, name='get_stock_graph'),

14. Alerts View

URL for the Alerts view.

    path('alerts/', views.alerts, name='alerts'),

15. Ingredients View

URL for the Ingredients view.

    path('ingredients/', views.ingredients, name='ingredients'),

16. Update Items View

URL for the Update Items view.

    path('update_items/', views.update_items, name='update items'),

17. New Excess Time View

URL for the New Excess Time view.

    path('new_excess_time/', views.new_excess_time, name='New Excess Time'),

18. Order Online View

URL for the Order Online view.

    path('order_online/', views.order_online, name='Order Online'),

19. Ajax Delete View

URL for the Ajax Delete view.

    path('ajax_delete/', views.ajax_delete, name='Ajax Delete'),

20. Update Stock View

URL for the Update Stock view.

    path('update_stock/', views.update_stock, name="Update Stock"),

21. Add New Ingredient View

URL for the Add New Ingredient view.

    path('add_new_ingredient/', views.add_new_ingredient, name="Add Ingredient"),

22. Delete Ingredient View

URL for the Delete Ingredient view.

    path('delete_ingredient/', views.delete_ingredient, name="Delete Ingredient"),

23. Checkout Order View

URL for the Checkout Order view.

    path('checkout_order/', views.checkout_order, name='Check Out Order'),

24. Order History View

URL for the Order History view.

    path('order_history/', views.order_history, name='Order History'),

25. New Order History View

URL for the New Order History view.

    path('new_order_history/', views.new_order_history, name='new_order_history'),

26. Edit Order View

URL for the Edit Order view.

    path('edit_order//', views.edit_order_view, name='edit_order'),

27. Edit Item View

URL for the Edit Item view.

    path('edit_item//', views.edit_item, name='edit_item'),

28. Create Item View

URL for the Create Item view.

    path('create_item/', views.create_item, name='create_item'),

29. Create Item Submit View

URL for the Create Item Submit view.

    path('create_item_submit/', views.create_item_submit, name='create_item_submit'),

30. Update Favorite View

URL for the Update Favorite view.

    path('update_favorite/', views.update_favorite, name="Update Favorite"),

31. Delete Order View

URL for the Delete Order view.

    path('delete_order/', views.delete_order, name="delete_order"),

32. Kitchen View

URL for the Kitchen view.

    path('kitchen/', views.kitchen, name="Kitchen"),

33. Kitchen Deliver View

URL for the Kitchen Deliver view.

    path('kitchen_deliver/', views.kitchen_deliver, name="kitchen_deliver"),

34. Static Files

Handling static files in Django.

    ] + static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)